iPhone Data Scavenger Hunt

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 12 April 2012 0 komentar

The Task

To demonstrate the difficultly in finding data usage, an experiment was run on a popular platform: the Apple iPhone.

Several participants were told to perform two tasks: find the cellular data usage and reset that indicator.  I observed as the users performed the task keeping notes and time. No further instructions were given that would assist the user in finding the usage indicator. For an expert user, the task should take no longer than a few seconds, but the typical user is expected to fumble. A maximum of five minutes were given to complete the task. After the experiment was complete, meaning the user gave up or completed the task successfully, the user was asked on a scale of 1 to 10 on how difficult the task was to complete (10 being most difficult).

The Correct Way

Below are the correct steps to complete the task:


From the experiments, it was apparent that the data usage was too difficult to find. Some users succeeded in appropriately opening the settings icon but became quickly lost thereafter. Two of the 7 users tested failed to complete the task, while most of the others indicated that the task was significantly difficult. The exceptions were user 1 and 3, who relied on recall rather than recognition. This is one of the pitfalls described in Nielsen’s guide to usability. Even for experienced users like 1 and 3, no accelerators exist to complete the task quicker. Users must traverse the depths of the menu system every time. This violates Nielsen’s “Flexibility and efficiency of use” principle. In Apple’s defense, documentation is provided but may be difficult for the average user to find.


Apple should reevaluate the menu depth of the usage information. By placing this information so deep in the settings panel, Apple is assuming that most users do not need or care about data usage. As more data plans are becoming pay-as-you-go and quota based, data usage is incredibly relevant to the average user. Moving the data usage information to the top level of the settings panel would help many users. A further consideration is to add data usage to the status bar in the form of a battery-like icon.

Judul: iPhone Data Scavenger Hunt
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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