Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 review

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 05 April 2012 0 komentar

7-plus inches of AMOLED goodness

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 from Verizon features an impressive AMOLED screen with an incredibly high contrast ratio. The tablet was released the same week as the new iPad with its Retina Display, so that's probably why you haven't heard much about it.
No, I don't actually read the New Yorker, but I do read Edge Magazine, which is like the video game equivalent. (Fun Fact Eric)
(Credit: Josh Miller/CNET)
Don't overlook this screen. While it doesn't offer the same pixel density as the new iPad's Retina Display, it's still one of the most impressive I've encountered, offering deep blacks and an unmatched contrast ratio by tablet standards.
While games looked vibrant and well-saturated with color, there was an unfortunate side effect on background textures.
The full review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 has more on that admittedly cryptic statement as well as many other amusing anecdotes.

Judul: Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 review
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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